
Lingo Electronic Talking Translator


Product Description

Electronic translator says words and phrases out loud no more trying to decipher phonetic symbols. It knows more than 840,000 words and 46,200 phrases in 14 different languages, displaying them on-screen and pronouncing them out loud for you to hear and repeat. Also performs metric/currency conversion and records voice memos. Compact handheld design, with an easy-to-read 8-line backlit display and soft touch finish. Includes a leather carry case, earbuds and 2 AAA batteries. Includes dictionaries, travel games, an alarm clock and more. Lingo translator comes with 8 travel games, a world time clock with alarm, the New Oxford American Dictionary and a calendar. It also features an FM scan radio and an LED backlight. Best of all, it knows 14 languages English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Dutch, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Hebrew, Arabic and Greek. With the Lingo Electronic Talking Translator, you’ll never be at a loss for something to say, wherever you are! Order yours today!

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