
Living Intentions Snacks – Superfood Cereal – Hemp & Greens – 9 oz



Product Description

Sprouted Nuts! Living Intention has created a pivotal paradigm shift in the world of healthy eating. The innovative and nourishing products are designed with purpose and care. Unique blends of exotic ingredients created s Living Intentions’ spectacular culinary difference. Making healthy food choices should be simple; and it is when you try any one of this amazing products. Superfood Cereal redefines the standard for healthy breakfast cereals. Cereal creations are made from a combination of live sprouted ingredients an optimal balance of complete proteins healthy fats antioxidants and fiber. Each flavor is light and crunchy super tasty and enhanced with a unique blend of the most fortified superfoods our planet offer. Energizer Harmonize and activate your morning.Hemp Protein: Highly digestive protein; rich source of essential fatty and amino acids antioxidant fiber and chlorophyll.Sprualina: Dark green fresh water plankton richest source of protein 65% in the world; provides B-12 phytonutrient enzymes chlorophyll.Chlorella: Fresh water blue green algae promotes detoxification removes heavy metals cleanse liver increase growth of healthy bacteria and the planet’s richest source of chlorophyll.Alfalfa Leaf: Contains more protein and calcium than milk meat or eggs; 63% fiber and full or trace minerals; aid to alkalizing and cleansing the system.Dandelion Leaf: Promotes optimal liver and gallbladder functions; support detoxification; purifies the blood and acts as a natural diuretic. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) . These products are not meant to diagnoseAAA treat or cure any disease or medical condition. Please consult your doctor before starting any exercise or nutritional supplement program or before using these or any product during pregnancy or if you have a serious medical condition.

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