
Primal Freeze Dried Duck Dog Food, 14 oz



Product Description

Primal Freeze Dried Duck Dog Food, 14 oz: When it comes to dog food, your furry friend deserves the nothing but the bestPrimal Pet Foods uses the finest ingredients and puts together a blend of ingredients that will benefit your dog in numerous waysAside from improving circulation and digestion, the freeze-dried duck dog food blend is full of vitamins, minerals and amino acidsPlus, the zip-seal bags add some convenience to the daily feeding routineIf you want your dog to enjoy the numerous benefits of healthy eating, buy some of this chow todayBenefits of this product include: Fresh duck and organic produce are used to ensure qualityIngredients include salmon oil, vitamin E and coconut oilFresh, finely-ground duck bones provide excellent calciumYour dog is sure to love this formulaPlease Note: All food is shipped via ground delivery, only to the Contiguous (48) StatesPlease allow 7 to 10 days for your delivery to arrive

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