
NaturVet Bitter YUCK! No Chew Spray – Horse (32 oz)



Product Description

Horses, like other animals, will use their teeth to get at things, alleviate stress and irritation, deal with boredom and more. Unfortunately, the behavior can be destructive, both to stables and equipment as well as to the animal itself. As a result, using a product or guard that teaches the animal not to chew a particular area is critical to preventing further damage. The Bitter YUCK No Chew Spray for Horses provides the ready answer to the problem. Bitter YUCK is entirely alcohol free in design, so there is no after effect or side effects from use of the product around a horse. Further, the formula is water-based and doesn’t include ingredients like pepper or similar that causes a stinging sensation. Because the non-toxic, non-harmful design, Bitter YUCK can be sprayed on equipment, furniture and even animal wounds to get a horse to stop chewing that particular location. Bitter YUCK is entirely clear and water-like in liquid form. It has no stickiness to it or leftover sticky residue when dry. The product works extremely well at preventing and stopping gnawing and chewing for all types of animals, including horses. Further, because Bitter YUCK leaves no stains, it can be used indoors as well. To recap, Bitter YUCK provides a horse owner: An easy, inexpensive way to stop chewing problems. A product that leaves no mess, stain or stickiness. An easy way to protect a wound from a horse’s chewing when it itches.

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