
‘Virgin of Mount Carmel with the Child’ (Peru)



Product Description

She wears a golden crown and a veil atop flowing brown hair. The Virgin tenderly embraces little Jesus, who holds scapulars in chubby baby hands. Fernando Sayan Polo portrays the Madonna named for Mount Carmel in the Holy Land, where a chapel was built in her honor before her assumption into heaven. In 1251, she appeared in England, offering favors and protection to those who wear her scapular. Also known as Immaculate Virgin and Star of the Sea, she inspired the Carmelite order. The artist works in the style of Colonial masterpieces found in the convents and churches of Cuzco. The painting is a copy of a classic portrait, a theme he often repeats. But Sayan gives it his own interpretation. Titled Virgen del Carmen con el Nino in Spanish.

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