
Whitetail Institute Imperial Whitetail Turkey Select Chufa



Product Description

Tantalize turkeys and waterfowl to your area with Imperial Whitetail Turkey Select Chufa from Whitetail Institute. Designed for planting in the spring, chufa plants produce tubers below the soil as they grow throughout the summer, and as the foliage dries in the fall, turkeys attack the tubers with a vengeance. This forage product takes approximately 100-120 days to reach maturity. Chufa adapts well to a wide variety of soil types and performs best in moderately to well-drained soils. Imperial Turkey Select Chufa can even stay preserved with temporary or seasonal flooding, perfect for waterfowl. Sandy or loamy soils tend to perform best with a pH between 5.5 and 7.5. Comes in a 10-lb. bag that will plant 1/4 acre.

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